Thursday, February 21, 2008

Red-shouldered Hawk

During the night a thunder storm rolled through leaving in its wake an icy landscape now dripping due to the action of the light filtered through a gray sky and air temperature rising almost to the freezing point. Flocks of  birds at the feeders have made the sunflower seeds melt away requiring frequent replenishment.

Yesterday's birding treat was a Red-shouldered Hawk spotted on three occasions at the bottom of the hill, once in the ditch before flying off as my car approached and twice on the wires above as I drove by. Perhaps someday I will have the opportunity to capture one of these beautiful raptors photographically.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Recalling Summer

We're in the midst of very dreary winter weather and I have added this summer visitor, a Ruby-throated Hummingbird female, to add some cheer and change my thoughts to what spring will bring.